Who We Are
Mojdeh Ministries was founded in 2017 by Iranian pastor and church leader, Kambiz Saghaey. The purpose of Mojdeh is to provide theological education and resources to the Persian church. We offer these resources in a variety of ways in order to foster spiritual growth in believers in all areas of life.
The Persian church is made up of Farsi speakers from the countries of Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. According to Joshua Project, Persian speakers total close to 125 million people of which 99% are unreached and predominantly Muslim. Yet, we have seen God work in amazing ways among these people and so we seek to help provide theological resources and training to those people who are coming to faith in Jesus Christ.
Mojdeh’s leadership is comprised mostly of those who come from this background, therefore they are uniquely placed to understand and meet the needs of the Persian church.

What We Believe
Our beliefs agree with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000
Mission Statement:
We exist to glorify Jesus Christ by evangelizing Muslims, training indigenous leaders, and planting churches in order to fulfill the Great Commission.
We believe that there is one God, the creator of heaven and earth.
Salvation through Jesus Christ alone:
Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life and reconciliation to God. Anyone who confesses with their mouth and believes in their heart that Jesus is Lord shall be saved (Rom. 10:9).
Inerrancy of Scripture:
The Bible is the holy word of God. Though written by human authors, it is the full word of God. It is a book of salvation and hope. It is the means by which man can be restored to the image of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
Great Commission:
Jesus has commissioned the people of God to share the good news of his death and resurrection with all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). It is the goal and aim of the church to fulfill this commission .
What We Offer
Mojdeh offers online courses in Farsi accessible to believers all over the world in order to increase their theological understanding. Courses will range from basic to advanced and will be of no cost to the students. Students will learn and grow in their faith through twenty-six different courses. Those who display academic excellence and leadership abilities will be recruited to take seminary courses. From this training program, we hope to see many leaders and lay people raised up with a love and passion for the word of God.
As a result of persecution, a lack of networking or poor discipleship, many Persian churches struggle with a lack of resources particularly in the areas of leading worship. Mojdeh seeks to fill these gaps by providing a worship database for various church planting situations. These are offered at no cost to all who are interested.
Mojdeh has a great relationship with Mohabat Television, a Christian satellite station that is streamed into Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. Mojdeh shows its lessons on this station. Since Mohabat is displayed with ease in closed countries, our lessons reach thousands of people throughout these countries. We also stream Mojdeh messages, teachings, and sermons on radio stations that can be accessed online and are available to believers all over the Middle East and to the Persian diaspora living around the world.
At the moment, there is a significant lack of Christian literature for the Farsi-speaking Christian. One of the biggest tasks that Mojdeh will undertake is the translation of this literature into Farsi. These translations will make up the content of most of our teaching. Mojdeh has recruited a talented and experienced translation team to engage in this task. Our ultimate objective is to train leaders to produce indigenous theological materials, so that the rest of the Persian world can process theology with their own cultural background in view.
Who We Serve
The Persian church can be defined by Farsi speakers from the countries of Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. According to the Joshua Project, there are close to 125 million Farsi speakers. Of that population, 99% is unreached and predominantly Muslim. Yet, we have seen God work in amazing ways in these people groups and we seek to help provide theological resources and training to those people who are coming to faith in Jesus Christ. As Mojdeh’s leadership is comprised mostly of those who come from this background, we believe that we are uniquely placed to understand the needs of the Persian church and subsequently meet them.